The power of Diabetes Education and Care Coordination
- Author: Marchi G.
- Date Submitted: Sep 27, 2022
- Category: Diabetes Program

“ I want to encourage everyone to come to the Diabetes Support Group and attend the D.E.E.P. program. You will love it!”
Sometimes people come into your life and their story is so inspiring you just have to share it! That is exactly how it is with Marchi's story. Marchi has had diabetes for a long time but she states that “I didn’t really pay attention to it.”
However, Marchi got connected with the Care Coordinator at her provider’s office at Ridgecrest Regional Hospital. “Adrienne, my care coordinator, became my accountability partner and was such a support to me. She would check in with me once a month to go over lab results such as my A1C and cholesterol. She would encourage me and also let me know of all the resources the hospital offered. She got me connected to Silver Sneakers, an exercise program for seniors, and to the Diabetes Support Group, both offered by the hospital. I started exercising more and look forward to Silver Sneakers and seeing the friends I have made. I also started learning more about diabetes in the Support Group and the 6-week Diabetes Education Empowerment Program (D.E.E.P.), which the hospital also runs. I really enjoyed D.E.E.P. and learned so much, I would honestly love to go again. It made me really start concentrating on taking care of myself. I’m more serious about my diabetes now, because I know more about it and how to prevent complications. I understand diabetes better, so I’m better able to control it.
I have lost over 20 pounds, my A1C has improved and my cholesterol has improved. My provider was able to take me off 4 different medications! All of this was possible because I have a great provider who I listen to and trust, I have the care coordination to help and support me, I’m able to participate in Silver Sneakers and attend the monthly Diabetes Support Group, as well as D.E.E.P. All of this came together to help me improve my health!
I want to encourage everyone to come to the Diabetes Support Group and attend the D.E.E.P. program. You will love it!
Well, now you know why we had to share Marchi’s story.
At Ridgecrest Regional Hospital, our vision is not only to provide exceptional care, but to provide wellness outreach to help improve the health of those in our community. Marchi’s story is a great example of how various components come together and work together to provide the best for our patients and those in our community.
If you are interested or have questions about Silver Sneakers, the Diabetes Support Group or the next D.E.E.P. workshop, please contact Tera Moorehead, Director of Community Outreach at (760) 499-3825.