WCW Shantell Utley, RN Cancer Ctr/OPP Clinical Manager
- Category: We Care Wednesday

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WCW Shantell Utley, RN Cancer Ctr/OPP Clinical Manager
Congratulations to Shantell Utley, RN Cancer Ctr/OPP Clinical Manager, for being recognized for WCW. Celia Mills nominated Shantell for We Care Wednesday. During these past 2 years, Shantell has worked tirelessly to ensure that we provide the best care we can for our patients during the pandemic. She is always there in the forefront with her sleeves rolled up helping out, whether it’s filling in for absent staff to ensure patients get seen or working out how to provide a vital new treatment for the community. She works many extra hours, over weekends, during her vacation, and holidays and always with a positive attitude and a smile. When she is asked to do something new or complicated, she always says, “No problem.” Shantell is loyal and dedicated and an amazing person to have on the team. Thank you for all that you do!