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Transitional Care & Rehab

In-Between Care from Home to Hospital

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Information and Precautions.

The health and well-being of our residents and healthcare workers are of the utmost importance.

Per Centers For Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) guidelines visitors are restricted to our facility except in certain circumstance, such as end-of-life situation.

In lieu of visits, facilities can consider:

  • Offering alternative means of communication for people who would otherwise visit, such as virtual communications (phone, video-communication, etc.).

We will notify you should there be a Covid case in the facility as required by CMS guidelines.

We will inform you when visitation restriction is lifted.

Links to Center for Disease and Control (CDC) resource on Covid-19.

Additional Resource: California Department of Public Health
Skilled Nursing Facilities with Covid-19 Cases

The Transitional Care and Rehabilitation Unit (TCRU) is a skilled nursing facility within the hospital that focuses on rehabilitating patients who are still recovering from an illness or injury and are not ready to go home yet.

Stays in our TCRU are normally shorter (about 2 – 4 weeks) than at a nursing home. For example, you may have surgery at the hospital and stay several days in the acute setting but still not be strong enough to go home. You could transfer over to the TCRU and continue to get the support and rehab you need while you continue to heal and improve.

TCRU Services

The TCRU provides patients with the rehabilitation and training (which may include any caregiver that may be involved) they need to better prepare them to go home and to be healthy and strong enough to stay home.

We also accept transfers from other hospitals out of town. This allows patients to return to the community and to their loved ones while they continue to heal and recover.

The TCRU offers the following services:
  • 24 hour RNs on duty

  • IV services for hydration

  • IV antibiotic administration as needed

  • Total parenteral nutrition (TPN)

  • Partial parenteral nutrition (PPN)

  • Advanced pain control systems (PCA pumps)

  • In-house pharmacy services

  • In-house laboratory and x-ray services

  • In-house therapy services: Physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, respiratory therapy, advanced wound care by certified wound care staff (both RN & PT)

  • In-house dietitian

  • Available in-house consultation: infection control, pharmacy consulting medical social work

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